Healing Minds 

Healing Minds is a compassionate, dedicated group of therapists, psychiatrists, doctors and counselors who share a deep commitment for helping individuals and families rebuild and improve their lives. At our core, we're people. People with families, with emotions and with life experiences-some wonderful and some painful. It's our human-ness that attracted all of us at Healing Minds into this field.

Healing Minds

6490 S McCarran Blvd, Bldg A, #6 Reno, NV 89509

(775) 448-9760


Physical Therapists: Who are they?

A licensed health care professionals PTs or Physical therapists are a highly-educated person who can help patients decrease pain and increase or rebuild movement in many cases without costly surgery and often decreasing the need for long-term use of prescription medications and their side effects.

Physical therapists can instruct patients on how to manage or prevent their condition so that they will gain long-term health advantages. PTs examine each person and develop a plan, using treatment procedures to improve the ability to move, decrease pain, rebuild function, and stop disability. Also, PTs work with people to prevent the loss of movement before it happens by developing wellness and fitness orientated plans for healthier and more productive lifestyles.

Physical therapists give care for people in a variety of settings, including private practices, outpatient clinics, hospitals, schools or home, health agencies, fitness and sports buildings, work settings, and nursing homes. State licensure is needed in every state in which a physical therapist will practice.














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